Thursday 6 November 2014

Kaise Chand Lafzon Men Saara Pyar Likhun

कैसे चंद लफ्ज़ों में सारा प्यार लिखूँ” एक कविता-संग्रह है, जिसमें प्यार मुहब्बत विषय पर कविता, शायरी, गीत और ग़ज़लें सम्मिलित है |

मध्यप्रदेश के मन्दसौर जिले में जन्मे दिनेश गुप्ता ‘दिन’ पेशे से सॉफ्टवेयर इंजीनियर हैं | दिनेश गुप्ता की कविताएँ, लेख, गीत और इंटरव्यू देश की कई प्रमुख पत्रिकाओं में प्रकाशित हुए हैं | शुरुवाती दिनों में कविता इनका शौक हुआ करती थी, इन दिनों जुनून है और वो लेखन को ही अपना पेशा बनाने को लेकर खासे उत्साहित हैं | इंजीनियर और कवि थोड़ा मुश्किल मिश्रण लगता है, जब दिनेश से पूछा जाता है तब वो कहते हैं: “इंजीनियरिंग मेरा पेशा है परन्तु कविता मेरा जुनून है, शब्द मेरी रगों में खून बनकर दौड़ते हैं और कविता मेरी नसों में बहती है” अपनी चेतना और अनुभूति की अभिव्यक्ति भर हैं कविता | इनकी कुछ रचनाएँ आप यहाँ देख सकते हैं
  • Paperback: 120 pages
  • Publisher: Author’s Ink India (2014)
  • Language: Hindi
  • ISBN-10: 8192955532
  • ISBN-13: 978-8192955537

    MRP :- 150 INR

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Strings Of Love

Love- the most ecstatic feeling ever… the feeling that has touched everyone in one way or other for at least once in their lives. Love has its own variations… long distance relationship love, one sided love, eternal love and many more… this book, “Strings Of Love” is an attempt to compile as many flavors of love as we can… get drenched in love… get mesmerized in love… and you never know, some story or some character might actually narrate your story too! Here we present to you 20 soul soothing love stories. Relive your days of love…

The Last Wish

Tommy (Tom), an Indian breed dog, was adopted by Amit who lived in Delhi in a rented house. Tommy was deeply connected with his master and the people in the colony he lived. Amit once left the home and Tommy was left alone in the colony. Tommy was not used to live like usual street dogs. He waited for his master for days and months but he didn’t return back. Slowly he started getting involved with the other street dogs in the colony and discovered his parents living there. He also realized that he had a special talent of reading which he probably learnt by chewing the newspaper rolls daily. He got enough of love and care from his parents but his love for his master was never replaced. One day he saw a letter from his master which he wrote to the landlord. Tommy read the address and decided to go to his master’s place- Gujarat. Although, he didn’t had an idea about the distance, he left his parents to meet his master. Here’s where Tommy’s journey begins. He crosses the colony of a notorious dog named sultan and loses his parents during the course. He then gets picked up by a municipality bus and gets dropped in an unknown market. He meets a dog named Julie and falls in love with her. He discusses his desire to meet his master and learns that the place his master lives is very far away from there.

  • Paperback: 170 pages
  • Publisher: Authors Ink India Publication (2014)
  • ISBN-10: 8192955516
  • ISBN-13: 978-8192955513

    Mrp :- 200 INR

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CRUSH : An Incomplete Heartbeat

Life force works through all of us with the help of law of attraction. This anthology consists of 16 such superb stories of crazy crushes which will inspire you to persuade your partner to love you back. These will be the precious pearls of human experience. Edited By Aniket Kapoor and Jitender Rishi Parmar

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